Black-owned businesses in Central California are an essential part of the economy. According to the 2021 State of Black Business in California report by the California Black Chamber of Commerce (CBCC), Black businesses employ over 50,000 people and generate over $1 billion in annual revenue. They provide a wide range of essential services, including food, healthcare, and transportation. They also reinvest their profits back into their communities, supporting local schools, charities, and other organizations.


The CBCC also reported Black businesses are concentrated in the industries of construction; retail; food and beverage; professional and business services; and transportation and warehousing. Some of  the major challenges that Black-owned businesses face include: 


  • Access to capital
  • Lack of business education and training
  • Discrimination, and
  • Redlining


Despite these challenges, black-owned businesses in Central California are making a significant contribution to the region’s economy and community. They are creating jobs, providing essential services, and supporting local communities. In addition to the economic benefits, black-owned businesses also play an important role in promoting diversity and inclusion. They help to create a more vibrant and equitable society for all.


In honor of Black Business Month, here are a few ways you can support black-owned businesses in Central California:


  • Shop at black-owned businesses.
  • Invest in black-owned businesses.
  • Volunteer your time to black-owned businesses.
  • Educate yourself about the challenges facing black-owned businesses, and
  • Advocate for policies that support black-owned businesses.


So, this Black Business Month, let’s show our support for black-owned businesses in Central California. Together, we can make a difference.