Once a restaurant manager, Amelia Bui now puts her skills to use at Access Plus Capital as a Business Data Specialist, helping local businesses.  


First, tell me a little bit about your background. What did you do before you became part of the Access Plus Capital team? 

My name is Amelia Bui, I attended Fresno State for Computer Information Systems. Prior to coming on board with Access Plus Capital, I was a restaurant manager for a large restaurant here in Fresno, CA. 


What do you do at Access Plus Capital?  

At Access Plus Capital, I’m a Business Data Specialist. As a Business Data Specialist it’s my job to ensure data quality and help create tools to meet business needs.  


What is your favorite part of working at Access Plus Capital? 

Working at Access Plus Capital is a great experience. Aside from enjoying the company of my coworkers, I like being part of helping local small businesses and being able to give back to my community through our work.


What is your favorite part of working with business owners?  

Seeing small business owners make their dreams come true and being part of that. Giving back to the community through our work is rewarding.  


What’s the latest project you worked on? What was unique about it?  

A lot of our current projects revolve around the pandemic. The latest project I worked on was the Fresno County HUB Grant. It was unique because of our current circumstances and the pandemic. Helping the community get through these unprecedented times is so important right now and being able to be part of that help was an experience in itself. 


What are some of your outside of work hobbies and interests? 

 I love to travel every chance I get. I believe we truly don’t experience life to its fullest until we travel and broaden our horizons. When I’m not traveling, I spend a lot of time making new memories with my family and friends. 


 Welcome to Access Plus Capital, Amelia! We can’t wait to see you do great things.